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Ivan Bastidas

Stages/Phases of building your Custom Home with CRV Homes' Turnkey Approach

Everybody’s individual situation may be different when beginning the process of a modern custom home development. Certain example situations and scenarios may be as follows, now some people may already have plans and permits and are solely looking for a builder, which is a service CRV Homes provides. Additionally, individuals may own land however have not begun the process of plans and permitting which is a necessity when developing on your lot. Lastly, individuals may also not have land to develop on however just like the latter CRV Homes is capable of managing the capacity for any one of our clients needs via our in-house turnkey approach to Custom Home Building in Houston, Texas.

Commitment and Responsibility

People have a couple options in regards to their own commitment and responsibility as a client within the development of their very own feasible custom home development. A feasible development project includes the necessary plans, permits, funds, material(s), and design validation in reference to scope of project development. For example, one may receive documentation pertaining to the attainment of the plans and permits with assistance from licensed architects and the city via the inclusion of these services with our own in house turnkey approach to custom home building at CRV Homes. Thus, documentation is crafted in anticipation of a feasible construction Stage of the overall stages within our turnkey approach. Documentation includes the discussed services that cater to your new custom home project, which is an element in our turnkey approach that encompasses stages/phases of building your property with CRV Homes, Custom Home Builder. A feasible construction stage includes complete plans and permits with appropriate funds and/or funding from our own in-house lending company in relation to our turnkey custom home building approach or other. Additionally, as a result of such extravagant custom home developments the manifestation and crafting of new real estate itself requires thorough documentation and language that CRV Homes aids as a part of working with our turnkey approach to custom home building in the greater Houston metro area.

Financial analytics

An important initial phase to our turnkey custom home building approach includes financial analytics. Financial analytics encompass the small and overlooked details that pertain to residential real estate itself in relation to its market area and the overall Texas real estate market itself. This consideration of your own property and land from an Investment Management perspective allows for the effective maintenance and efficient execution of developing your very own custom home development project with CRV Homes. Our in house turnkey approach to custom home building aids our clients in qualification for financing and securing lending money if in need and/or convenience of a loan. Additionally to our financial analysis of our clients development, our team addresses elements of permanent real estate with such items as location, market area, stories, value of bedrooms/bathrooms or other essential items, and floodplain data to name a few. The valuation of a custom home development in a specific market area is not only preserved as new property , but also as an asset itself when working with CRV Homes' turnkey approach to Custom Home Building in Houston, Texas.


Communication plays an important role in our turkey custom home building approach. Thus, CRV Homes communicates over our online portal, which notifies clients with immediate updates and additions to their development project as all phases during the process of designing and building a Custom Home with CRV Homes. This communication will aid with such last minute additions one may want to include in your custom home. The use of technology and optimization of it within our turnkey custom home building approach create a forward ease focused thought when establishing new real estate in certain scenarios of custom home building. An on site construction manager aids the communication process with project updates via pictures and descriptions all found on your own project portal page when working with CRV Homes. Additionally, our innovative project portal creates a central hub/location for all communication and scheduling throughout the turnkey process the CRV Homes team provides. This cohesive approach will maintain a sense of comfort and cohesiveness throughout the entirety of the custom home building process.

Land Development

Land development is a major phase in the custom home building process. During this phase, our team analyzes subdivision infrastructure, utilities, roads, survey evaluations, clearing requirements, soil and foundation information, and other additional preparation before the planning of the construction phase.


The stages /phases of building your Custom Home property with CRV Homes’s Turnkey approach

  • Build on your Lot and Land and/or Seek property with our in house calculated land CRV Homes Custom development options via our website and better yet come to our office for a FREE IDEA SESSION where our team presents you, the client, options with our catered talents stemming from our turnkey approach/system CRV enacts.

  • Land Options Include:

    • Custom development and Designer touches

    • Pick from a property from our properties page and scheduling a FREE IDEA SESSION to meet with the Owners


  • Discussion on topics such as building a custom dream home that include your contemplated thoughts about minute and technical adjustments/possibilities of a residential real estate development; investment opportunities (i.e. development properties, lot/subdivision transactions, molding particular asset(s) …)

Following an Idea Session and measurement on the scope of the clients project/ new development:

  • Phases/stages of Building with CRV Homes

    • Plans and permits (architecture/design, lot development, inspections)

    • Rough in Construction (inspections, material coordination, onsite management)

    • Designer touches (technical aesthetic elements, placement of artisan crafts, touch ups)

    • Amenity and homeware installations

    • Lawn Care

    • Move in


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